General » Academics » Curriculum



The program of studies at Holy Cross is designed to make it possible for students to acquire that common body of knowledge and skills characteristic of the educated Catholic and at the same time, through carefully selected elective subjects, develop their special aptitudes.

Students are constructed cooperatively between administration, teachers and students. Final schedules are sent in July prior to the school year. Any changes to a student's schedule must be made within the first week of the semester and have written parent permission. No schedule changes (unless teacher recommended) will be made after this time.

All students are required to be enrolled in Theology and five other classes per semester. To qualify for promotion, a student should have earned units of credits according to the following schedule:

Entering Sophomore- 7 credits, Entering Junior- 14 credits, Entering Senior- 21 credits

To qualify for graduation for graduation a student must successfully complete a minimum of 28 credits. All students must complete 100 hours of Christian Service including successful completion of Senior Service Project in order to qualify for graduation.

In addition, all students take part in a weekly course:

  • Freshmen Academy
  • Sophomore STREAM
  • Junior Corporate Internship
  • Senior Corporate Internship