General » Bishop David Alumni Association » Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose



The Statement of Purpose of the Bishop David Alumni Association will provide educational and charitable grants (gifts and funds) to help support Catholic Education, both elementary and secondary, in Southwest Jefferson County.  These gifts and funds will help ensure families that wish a Catholic education for their children are available therefore sustaining Catholic education in SWJC.  We will also provide financial and “time and talent” support to Holy Cross High School in any endeavor deemed necessary by their administration and approved by our Board of Directors.


In the Bishop David spirit of giving we are asking all alumni to please give by joining the Alumni Association and help us fulfil our statement of purpose and helping families that want a Catholic education for their children but cannot afford it get the help needed.  We can truly make a difference in the lives of children and families the way our Catholic education influenced our lives. This is the pride we have and the legacy we wish to leave.