Board of Directors' Testimonials

Butch Pinkerton BD '69
Quite a few years ago Kevin, myself, and Don Kupper worked on a project called Bingo at BD/HC. Our first concession stand was out of the closet in the gym. We watched the Bingo succeed and grow in the gym and downstairs in the cafeteria. I sold pull tabs every bingo and out of the money that was raised half went to the Alumni Association at that time.
I have had love and respect for BD ever since I entered the doors in 1965 as a goofy freshman and came out as a mature senior ready for college in 1969 (best class ever).
I believe with all my heart in Catholic education. What it brings to the young men and women that experience it and embrace it for all it's worth is beyond value.
I also believe that it is a building block for the students that graduate to carry and cherish throughout their lives as I do! It's not just an education it's a life's foundation.
I said to our board "if we are not here to help and foster Catholic education in the South End and to help HCHS move forward, then we should put our chairs back, turn off the lights, lock the doors and say Good Luck - you're going to need it. Those who do not believe in this "cause" should leave right now"!!! No one left!!!
I will do my best and give my all to promote and help push forward HCHS and Catholic education in the South End. I am proud and humbled at the same time to have this GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!!!
Blessing to All,
Butch Pinkerton Bishop David Class of 1969 and SO PROUD of IT
Rusty Payne BD '71
I am a Board Member because of Kevin Brever, an old friend who has the same passion about Bishop David that I do, and that I have a lot of respect for.
We helped build the BD Alumni Association in the 70s, and I watched it grow into a viable organization that gave BD Alumni an avenue to stay in touch, and monetarily raise funds to provide scholarships to incoming Freshmen.
I have committed myself to give 2 years of the same effort that I gave over 40 year years ago, to help Holy Cross establish an Alumni Association that will be a strong asset to Holy Cross. Because that is what a fellow Falcon does.
My hope and prayers are that a strong foundation of Alumni can be built, and that the Holy Cross Administration will begin to make the Alumni Association a highly visible organization for Holy Cross students to know that they can become a part of, and continue their connection to HC.
Rusty Payne
Laura Dunn AM '79
To be a member of this Board is an honor. I am so excited to be a part of this team and look forward to “giving back” to my roots. I believe in the Catholic education, but more than that, is the freedom that these kids have to learn about God and can talk freely about it. That to me is most important.
Again, I am so thankful and cannot wait to see what all this will provide for the community of Holy Cross.
Laura Dunn
Paul Kelty MD BD '65
I was very proud and grateful to have attended Bishop David High School. Over the years I have tried to support Bishop David and Holy Cross. I was very thrilled to see the BD Alumni Association resurrected. I have previously served on two school boards and have done fundraising for the Cathedral of the Assumption, U of L, the Cathedral Heritage Foundation and several other organizations. I am hopeful that I can be an asset to this board and am proud to be a member. I look forward to what we can accomplish in the future. Thank you for this opportunity. Paul Kelty, M.D.
Keven Brever BD '69
Coming from a Catholic family I never knew any other form of education but Catholic and for this I thank my parents for the opportunity and privilege of going to Catholic schools. I want to thank all the great teachers I had that laid the academic and moral foundation at St. Denis and St. Basil. When I entered Bishop David in September 1965 I had no idea how profoundly my life would change. The teachers, administration, staff and students were family and everyone was treated in that manner and with respect. Graduating in 1969 and taking the next step was exciting but I knew I wanted to return home and began teaching at Bishop David in August 1974 until the merger in 1984. The people I worked with were the most dedicated group of teachers I have ever been associated with and became my family. I was happy I could give back to the school that gave me so much. A unique sidebar to all this is that I have had a relationship with every class at BD except the class of ‘64 and class of ‘73, both gone before I arrived the first and second time. In 1998, I returned home once again as Principal of Holy Cross High School. It was different but a good difference because the bottom line “it was Catholic Education”. I left Holy Cross in 2001 to become Principal of St.Paul Elementary School where I retired in 2017.
I am personally on the Bishop David Alumni Association Board to do everything I can to ensure Catholic Education, at all levels, is available in Southwest Jefferson County for every family who wishes to provide to their children the way it was provided to me and how I provided for my family. With seven (7) grandchildren of school age (5-21) I am proud that they are all experiencing the privilege of Catholic Education. The two (2) non-school age (1 month and 2 years old) grandchildren will also be provided that privilege when the time comes. Our work will ensure their Catholic education future and other families who also wish a Catholic education for their children. I feel this is my calling and responsibility and look forward to working with an organization that has always been “Family Building Family”.
Kevin Brever
BD Class of 1969